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import error from react project during build time

I'm having import problems from 2 files of my react project. I've attached the screenshot of my localhost 3000: please help me fix the problem . I've supplied code of the 2 files.

here is the index.js file code

export {
} from './burgerBuilder';
export {
    purchaseBurger, purchaseInit, fetchOrders
} from './order';

here is the burgerBuilder.js code:

// only synchronous action creators for adding n removing ingredients
import * as actionTypes from './actionTypes';
import axios from '../../axios-orders';

export const addIngredients =(name) =>{
        type: actionTypes.ADD_INGREDIENT,
        ingredientName: name

export const removeIngredients =(name) =>{
        type: actionTypes.REMOVE_INGREDIENT,
        ingredientName: name


export const setIngredients = (ingredients) => {
        type: actionTypes.SET_INGREDIENTS,
        ingredients:  ingredients

export const fetchIngredientsFailed = () => {
       type: actionTypes.FETCH_INGREDIENTS_FAILED

//init is shrt frm of initialization

export const initIngredients = () => {
  //return an action here
  return dispatch => {
    .then(response =>{
    .catch(error =>{
       dispatch (fetchIngredientsFailed());


Your re-export names don't match your export names from burgerBuilder.js. For example, you are exporting "addIngredients", but re-exporting a different name "addIngredient". The names must all match.

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