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Neo4j (cypher): How do I find all nodes with a specific relationship?

In a neo4j database with nodes, linked by the 'ARTICLE_OF' relationship, how do I find all nodes with this relationship? Direction doesn't matter.

I tried a possible solution from here , but it seems outdated. I swapped SOME_RELATIONSHIP with my ARTICLE_OF , but it didn't work.

start n=node(*)
match n-[:ARTICLE_OF]-()
return distinct n

When I run it I get the following error :

START is deprecated, use: `MATCH (n)` instead.
        (line 1, column 1 (offset: 0))
"start n=node(*)"

I tried swapping start with match , but that only resulted in more errors. Let me know if you want to see those as well, but I think someone with experience might immediately see what I'm doing wrong.

Since your question uses the neo4j-browser tag, I assume you are using the Neo4j Browser.

The Neo4j Browser has a quick way to display (up to 25) instances of a relationship type. In the Browser's left-hand sidebar, you'll see a Relationship Types section. If you click on one of the relationship types in that section, the Browser will execute a query to get the relationships of that type (limited to 25). You can adjust the query (eg, by increasing or removing the LIMIT ) as you wish.

Here is an example of a generated query:


NOTE: The r variable can be omitted, as it is never used.

I think I found an answer, but please provide a better solution if you find flaws

MATCH (n)-[r:ARTICLE_OF]->(k) RETURN n, r, k

Did the trick, I think

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