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How to properly ignore files from git using .gitignore file?

My assignment is requiring me to ignore two folders from git along with their contents. I have created a .gitignore.txt file and typed in the folders' names in the file:


I have also tried the above with a /* at end of file names and without any forward slash or asterisk at all. However, git seems to still recognize these folders. Here is the result I receive each time I use git status command in git-bash.


git is still recognizing these folders since they are within the untracked files, correct? What do I need to do to have git ignore the folders completely?

你有错误的文件名 - 它应该只是.gitignore ,没有扩展名,而不是.gitignore.txt

You've created a file called .gitignore.txt , which is not special to Git in any way. The file must be called exactly .gitignore , with no extension.

Many Windows programs automatically append a file extension, and Notepad is no different. You're going to be a little better off using a slightly more capable text editor. There are many; any one is fine.

In the mean time, you can quit Notepad, then do mv .gitignore.txt .gitignore and things should work.

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