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Problem searching for specific Mails using MS-Graph API

I have a WPF-Application that uses the MS-Graph API, to search for EMails containing a specific keyword and display them to the user.

To get only the mails a user searches for, the MS-Documentation recomments this:

var messages = await graphClient.Me.Messages

The problem is, this doesn't work in my code and I can't figure out why. The only thing my VS tells me is that it could not resolve symbol "search" and I didn't find anything about this problem here or somewhere else on the internet.

The way I'm doing it at the moment is this:

        var queryOption = new List<QueryOption>()
            new QueryOption("$search", "Pizza")
        var messages = await serviceClient.Me.Messages.Request(queryOption).GetAsync();

This works as expected, but does anyone now how to do it as shown in the MS-Documentation?

I would appreciate any help!

Currently, there is no search method available for the IUserMessagesCollectionRequest object, so you are using it correctly. This is also described here:


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