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Passing data to express backend

I'm adding a stripe checkout to my website with this code in my react front end

    const response = await fetch('/create-checkout-session', {
       method: 'POST',

    const session = await response.json();

    // When the customer clicks on the button, redirect them to Checkout.
    const result = await stripe.redirectToCheckout({
      sessionId: session.id,

and this one on my express server :

app.post("/create-checkout-session", async (req, res) => {
  const session = await stripe.checkout.sessions.create({
    shipping_address_collection: {
      allowed_countries: ["BE", "FR", "DE", "CH"],
    payment_method_types: ["card"],
    line_items: [
        price_data: {
          currency: "usd",
          product_data: {
            name: "T-shirt",
          unit_amount: 10 * 100,
        description: "Product 1",
        quantity: 1,
        price_data: {
          currency: "usd",
          product_data: {
            name: "Tsklip",
          unit_amount: 2000,
        description: "Product 2",
        quantity: 2,
    mode: "payment",
    success_url: "https://localhost:3000",
    cancel_url: "https://localhost:3000/cart",

  res.json({ id: session.id });

I'd like to pass from my frontend to my backend some info. How could I do that ? Is it possible with this code ? Thanks !

You can pass data to body, then you can access them in express from req.body

const response = await fetch('/create-checkout-session', {
   method: 'POST',
   body: JSON.stringify({ info: 'my info message', id: 1})

Also you should use body-parser middleware to parse incoming request body

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