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How to include a python class method as a keyword in the Robot Framework using Pycharm IDE

I am trying to import a method from the python class ExampleLibrary from the Python file Example.py #Example.py

class ExampleLibrary:
    counter = 0

    def county(self):
        self.counter = 29
        return self.counter

    def clear_counter(self):
        self.counter = 0

My Robot file is like

*** Settings ***
Library     ExampleLibrary

*** Test Cases ***
This is a Sample Test
    [Documentation]  First Test
    [Tags]  Variables display
    ${var}   county
    log  ${var}

The robot framework is unable to recognize the keyword county from the Example.py but the ExampleLibrary class is being imported properly. I am using the Pycharm IDE. Can anyone help me out? Thank you.

Using your code, and adding Example.py's location into the PYTHONPATH, I get two errors. These errors should be visible on the console and in the log.html as well and I think you should have both as well.


Importing test library 'ExampleLibrary' failed: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'ExampleLibrary'


No keyword with name 'county' found.

The second one is the consequence of the first one, and the problem is that there is no information where ExampleLibrary class is. To resolve this, and correctly import the library you should define in the robot file where the ExampleLibrary class can be found.

*** Settings ***
Library     Example.ExampleLibrary

Your other choice could be to rename Example.py to ExampleLibrary.py. But if you have more classes in a Python file like in this question, Inner nested class access from robot framework , you could face similar problems.

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