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Is there a way to append html to web component?

I've a custom js web component:

class MainDiv extends HTMLElement {
  constructor() { super(); }
  connectedCallback() {
   this.innerHTML = '<div id="mydiv"><input type="text" oninput="onInput(event)"/></div>'

and in main.js I've the function onInput*()

function onInput(event) {
  const mainDiv = document.getElementById("mydiv");
  const newLabel = document.createElement('span');
        newLabel.innerText = `${event.target.value.length}/255`; // output: 5/255...n/255

If I add a log in the onInput function it prints and does not return any error, but is not updating the webcomponent. Why?

There must be something else at play, your code works:

 <script> function onInput(event) { const mainDiv = document.getElementById("mydiv"); const newLabel = document.createElement('div'); newLabel.innerText = `${event.target.value.length}/255`; // output: 5/255...n/255 mainDiv.appendChild(newLabel); } customElements.define("my-element", class extends HTMLElement { connectedCallback() { this.innerHTML = '<div id="mydiv"><input type="text" oninput="onInput(event)"/></div>' } }); </script> <my-element></my-element>


 constructor() {

Is not required, it says run the constructor from my parent , which is also done when you leave out the constructor in your Component.
Only when you do more in the constructor is it required.

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