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How I can immigrate ASP.NET code into MVC

I want to immigrate the following asp.net code to MVC. However, all my attempts have failed miserably. The following code is a button when the user clicked it must show a table for the user electricity invoice. please keep in mind that I'm new to web development.

<asp:LinkButton  CommandArgument='<%#Eval("BIL_ISSU_Y") + ";" +Eval("BIL_ISSU_M")%>'  ID="lnkInvDets" ForeColor="#3294C3" Font-Underline="false" runat="server" 
                                                            OnClientClick='<%# String.Format("window.open(\"SubInvoiceDetails.aspx?IssuYM=\" + \"{0}\" + \"{1}&CityId=\"+ \"{2}&CusmId=\"+ \"{3}\", \"Test\", \"menubar=0,resizable=0,width=630,height=800,position=fixed,top= calc(50% - 25px),left= calc(50% - 50px),scrollbars=1\", \"\").moveTo(500,0);", Eval("BIL_ISSU_Y"),Eval("BIL_ISSU_M"),Eval("BIL_CITY"),Eval("BIL_NUM")) %>' CausesValidation="false"  CommandName="InvoiceDetails">details</asp:LinkButton>

I want to immigrate the following asp.net code to MVC. However, all my attempts have failed miserably. The following code is a button when the user clicked it must show a table for the user electricity invoice. please keep in mind that I'm new to web development.

<asp:LinkButton  CommandArgument='<%#Eval("BIL_ISSU_Y") + ";" +Eval("BIL_ISSU_M")%>'  ID="lnkInvDets" ForeColor="#3294C3" Font-Underline="false" runat="server" 
                                                            OnClientClick='<%# String.Format("window.open(\"SubInvoiceDetails.aspx?IssuYM=\" + \"{0}\" + \"{1}&CityId=\"+ \"{2}&CusmId=\"+ \"{3}\", \"Test\", \"menubar=0,resizable=0,width=630,height=800,position=fixed,top= calc(50% - 25px),left= calc(50% - 50px),scrollbars=1\", \"\").moveTo(500,0);", Eval("BIL_ISSU_Y"),Eval("BIL_ISSU_M"),Eval("BIL_CITY"),Eval("BIL_NUM")) %>' CausesValidation="false"  CommandName="InvoiceDetails">details</asp:LinkButton>

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