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Return value from setTimeout() inside for loop

How could I make loop wait before setTimeout function is executed and I could modify its i value before making loop going again?


 function Delay(){
            for (let i = headsPosition; i <= lineIndex.length-1; i++) {
                    setTimeout(() => {
                    if (Number.isInteger(lineIndex[i])) {
                        let parsing = parseInt(lineIndex[i]);
                        lineIndex[i] = parsing.toString();
                        for (let j = 1; j <= firstPosition.length; j++) {
                            if (currentState == firstPosition[j]){ 
                                if (lineIndex[i] == secondPosition[j]) {
                                    lineIndex[i] = thirdPosition[j];
                                    currentState = fifthPosition[j];
                                    tape.innerHTML = lineIndex;
                                    if (fourthPosition[j] === "L") {
                    }, i*100);

        startButton.onclick = function (){

You can achieve that by using a recursive function:

 function Delay() {
  loop(headsPosition, lineIndex.length-1);
 function loop(i, maxi) {
   setTimeout(() => {
     if (Number.isInteger(lineIndex[i])) {
       let parsing = parseInt(lineIndex[i]);
       lineIndex[i] = parsing.toString();

     for (let j = 1; j <= firstPosition.length; j++) {
       if (currentState == firstPosition[j]) {
         if (lineIndex[i] == secondPosition[j]) {
           lineIndex[i] = thirdPosition[j];
           currentState = fifthPosition[j];
           tape.innerHTML = lineIndex;
           if (fourthPosition[j] === "L") {
             i -= 2;
     //this part is what makes it behave like a loop
     if(i < maxi) {
        loop(i + 1, maxi);
   }, i * 100);

 startButton.onclick = function() {

Instead of using a for loop (which does not wait), you create a function that, when it gets to the end, calls itself with the next value of i (up to a given limit). This allows you to wait for setTimeout within the function. It also allows you to modify the value of i based on your own set of conditions.

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