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Powershell Array within Runas-Command

I wanted to write a little Script to check who has default credentials in my domain. For checking I wanted to use the runas-command (because I don´t know it better :D). I wrote the following script:

$pw = @("aaaaa","54321","12345");
$user = @("user1", "user2", "user3")
$domain = "mydomain"

for ($usercount = 0; $usercount -le $user.Length-1; $usercount++)
    for ($i = 0;$i -le $pw.Length-1; $i++)
        runas /user=""$($domain)\$($user[$usercount])"" /password=""$($pw[$i])"" .\test.bat
        Write-Host "runas /user=""$($domain)\$($user[$usercount])"" /password=""$($pw[$i])"" .\test.bat"

and the output looks nice but it won´t work...

runas /user="mydomain\user1" /password="aaaaa" .\test.bat
runas /user="mydomain\user1" /password="54321" .\test.bat
runas /user="mydomain\user1" /password="12345" .\test.bat
runas /user="mydomain\user2" /password="aaaaa" .\test.bat
runas /user="mydomain\user2" /password="54321" .\test.bat
runas /user="mydomain\user2" /password="12345" .\test.bat
runas /user="mydomain\user3" /password="aaaaa" .\test.bat
runas /user="mydomain\user3" /password="54321" .\test.bat
runas /user="mydomain\user3" /password="12345" .\test.bat

would be great if somebody could help me out with this one :-)

Just do an iex :

$pw = @("aaaaa","54321","12345");
$user = @("user1", "user2", "user3")
$domain = "mydomain"

for ($usercount = 0; $usercount -le $user.Length-1; $usercount++)
    for ($i = 0;$i -le $pw.Length-1; $i++)
        iex "runas /user:""$($domain)\$($user[$usercount])"" /password:""$($pw[$i])"" .\test.bat"

Nevermind, I programmed it using C# via ValidateCredentials. Should be more reliable

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