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How to assign values for multiple tds of same formcontrolname on angular

I have many input types created within table by ngFor.There are other variables created with iteration as well


  CarForm= new FormGroup({
      carNumber: new FormControl(),


<tr *ngFor = "let car of cars" >
   <input type="text" formControlName="carNumber"">

I know that Im able to pass the name value to input like this : CarForm.controls.carNumber.setValue(id) .

But in this way Im not able to pass specifically row by row. also changed my HTML like below but didnt work


How can I do that?

A good approach as mentioned by @Argee is to use FormArray . The below approach uses FormBuilder to build the FormGroup

In your TS File

  CarForm = this.fb.group({
    cars: this.fb.array(
      this.cars.map(({id, name, bhp}) => 
          id: [id],
          name: [name],
          bhp: [bhp]
  get carsArray(): FormArray {
    return this.CarForm.get('cars') as FormArray;
  constructor(private fb: FormBuilder) {


In your HTML

Form Value: <br>
<pre>{{CarForm.value | json }}</pre>
<form [formGroup]='CarForm'>
  <div formArrayName='cars'>
    <div *ngFor="let car of carsArray.controls; let i = index" [formGroupName]='i'><br>
      <label [attr.for]="'car-name' + i">Car {{ i + 1 }} Name </label>
      <input formControlName='name'><br>
      <label [attr.for]="'car-bhp' + i">Car {{ i + 1 }} Bhp </label>
      <input formControlName='bhp'>

See Sample Code on Stackblitz

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