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Detect when a variable is a certain value in Typescript

I am working on an inactivity timeout for my app. When inactivity is detected, a modal is launched. The modal displays a timer to the user. When the timer (which is a counter) hits 0, I want to be able to "know" the counter is 0 so I can implement the logic to sign-off the user.

export class IdleModalComponent implements OnInit {

counter$: Observable<number>;   
count = 300 // 5 minutes for the user to respond before we implement the inactivity logic

constructor(public dialogRef: MatDialogRef<IdleModalComponent>) {
        this.counter$ = timer(0, 1000).pipe(
        map(() => (--this.count)), 

When I bind the counter observable in the HTML, it accurately displays the countdown. All I need is to be able to capture when:

this.count === 0 .

Timer emit numbers in sequence every specified duration. .

To use map function idiomatically, do not cause any side effects in it, just map the received value.

Finally, to observe the completion:

  • Subscribe to the observable
  • pass in complete callback
const initialCounter = 10;

timer(0, 100)
    map(v => initialCounter-v))
    next: v => console.log(v),
    complete: () => console.log('finished')

You can use tap rxjs operator without directly subscribing like the following :

this.counter$ = timer(0, 1000).pipe(
  map(() => (--this.count)),
  tap(val => {
    if (val === 0) {
      // do what you want such as show modal
      alert('The count is 0');

Stackblitz Here

It's when the this.counter$ is completed.

    () => {}, // each time of count update
    () => {}, // error
    () => {
       // completed and `this.count === 0`

Working Demo


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