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How to use "vanilla" WebWorker in React?

How do I use webworkers in a react app ?

I wrote an webworker and tested it in a simple app (html) so it works fine.

But using same approach in a react app doesnt work

I don't want at first use any react-something-webworker, I want just use pure Work api

const _worker = new Worker('./worker')

seems not importing the code inside worker.js file (self.addEventListener("message...)

Thanks for helping

In a React class component you can instantiate a web worker in componentDidMount , define the worker's onmessage and onerror methods, then call worker.terminate() in componentWillUnmount .

In a React function component, replace componentDidMount and componentWillUnmount with useEffect .

Your React component and your worker can then exchange messages with postMessage .

Even if you don't want to use any React-specific libraries, have a look at the code from the react-hooks-worker library. It's less than 100 LOC and it will help you understand how to use the Web Worker API.

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