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Error: No files matching the pattern "'./src/views/{tokens,atoms,molecules,organisms}/**/*.scss'" were found

I am getting error while running stylelint command on windows enviornment :

command : "lint-styles": "stylelint ./src/views/{tokens,atoms,molecules,organisms}/**/*.scss --fix",

Getting error:

Error: No files matching the pattern "'./src/views/{tokens,atoms,molecules,organisms}/**/*.scss'" were found.
at globby.then (C:\workplace\Ulta\web-common\node_modules\stylelint\lib\standalone.js:212:12)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)

While no error on Mac . What should I change in it ?

你需要在你的 glob 周围加上引号

"lint-styles": "stylelint \"./src/views/{tokens,atoms,molecules,organisms}/**/*.scss\" --fix"

So issue was with the folder names, I changed tokens,atoms,molecules,organisms to Tokens,Atoms,Molecules,Organisms .

Because I have folders names starting with capitals but in command I was using first letter small. Though it was working on mac as it is.

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