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Only .gitattributes and .gitignore is pushed to Azure devops in Visual Studio 2019

I created a .NET Core project in Visual Studio 2019.When I try to publish my code for the first time using Team Explorer only 2 files ie gitattributes and .gitignore are pushed to master repo.

Below are the steps which I followed.

1.Right-click on solution in Solution Explorer and choose Add Solution to Source Control.

2.Navigate to the Push view in Team Explorer by choosing the up arrow icon in the status bar.

3.In the Push view in Team Explorer, selected the Publish Git Repo button under Push to Visual Studio Team Services.

In visual studio2019 16.7.5 version, the "Add Solution to Source Control" option has been cancelled, and replaced by the "Create Git Repository..." option. You can try to repair or update VS to the latest version.


If you don't want to update, you can try to select Add to Source Control on the status bar in the lower right hand corner of Visual Studio to see if this works.


I'm not sure how it worked but this is what I have done

Step 1--> In team explorer I clicked on Add to source control

Step 2-->Navigate to the Push view in Team Explorer or in Solution Explorer by choosing the up arrow icon in the status bar.


Step 3--> 2. In the Push view in Team Explorer, select the Publish Git Repo button under Push to Azure DevOps Services


Following above steps Code was successfully published in Azure DevOps Repo

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