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Digest authentication returning unauthorized

I am trying to authenticate through Digest authentication and the API is returning Unauthorized and when I check the count on cookies I can see cookies are not being passed to the actual request. However, I got it to work via postman by getting the cookies first and add it and make a request. But, when I do it via the code I am getting unauthorized.

Please guide me on how I can authenticate using digest authentication type.

This method get the cookies

     private RestClient _Client = new RestClient();
     public API()
        _Client = new RestClient(_BaseUrl);
        _Client.Authenticator = _Creds;
        if (_SessionEnabled)
            var request = new RestRequest("admin/getsession", Method.GET);

            IRestResponse response = _Client.Execute(request);
            var content = response.Content;

            _Cookie = response.Cookies;

Adding a session to the actual request

   public static RestRequest AddSessionToRequest(RestRequest Request, IList<RestResponseCookie> Cookie, bool SessionEnabled)
            Request.AddQueryParameter("session", Cookie[0].Value);
            Request.AddParameter(Cookie[0].Name, Cookie[0].Value, ParameterType.Cookie);
        return Request;

This is the method that generates OTP by first authenticating using the Digest authentication mechanism. It fails here and shows unauthorized.

   public string GenerateOtp(string Serial, string User, string Realm)
            string username = "";
            string password = "";

            var client = _Client;
            var credentials = username + ":" + password;
            var base64Credentials = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(credentials));
            var request = new RestRequest("gettoken/getotp", Method.GET);
            //client.Authenticator = new HttpBasicAuthenticator(username, password); //tried to add this and it didn't work
            request.AddHeader("Authorization", "Digest " + base64Credentials);

            //check session
            request = SCHelper.AddSessionToRequest(request, _Cookie, _SessionEnabled);
            request.AddParameter("user", User, ParameterType.QueryString);
            request.AddParameter("realm", "myRealm", ParameterType.QueryString);
            request.AddParameter("serial", Serial, ParameterType.QueryString);

            IRestResponse response = client.Execute(request);  //This is were it fails.
            var content = response.Content;
            return content;
        catch (Exception ex)
            throw ex;

I have finally come up with the solution are some battles. I had to add the headers and get cookies from the actual RestRequest call and it connected successfully.

        request.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json");
        request.AddParameter("application/json", request, ParameterType.RequestBody);
        request.AddParameter(_Cookie[0].Name, _Cookie[0].Value, ParameterType.Cookie);

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