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Geoviews Plots Displays Incorrect Longitude & Latitude / Displays Them in the Wrong Format

I have a Point with a longitude = -0.050122 and latitude = 52.699185 .

When I plot this in Geoviews, this Point is incorrectly displayed:

pin = gv.Points(gdf_pin,vdims=["avg_cust_dist_trav_km","avg_cust_dist_trav_miles"]
                                 color="green",size = 15,



The same thing also seems to happen for Polygon plots produced using Geoviews as well.

Is this a bug or do I have to do something else to correctly display longitudes and latitudes?


Just to clarify, the point itself looks correctly displayed (plotted in the correct location), but the hover information is displayed in Web Mercator coordinates rather than the more human-readable native lat/lon values. I believe this is a bug; see https://github.com/holoviz/geoviews/issues/470 .

(Not sure what the "th" in the hover is, though; I don't see that in my copy.)

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