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How to make Entry Point of Hilt in Separate class not a Fragment or Activity?

I Have Separate Class I want to put inject in its body, but it's not allowed to make it A EntryPoint Because it's not a Fragment or Activity so Injection must be in Fragment or Activity

so Injection must be in Fragment or Activity

This is incorrect, Injection can be done anywhere as long as the EntryPoint whether it was a Fragment or Activity is annotated with @AndroidEntryPoint .

For example, If you have Class A that is a member of the MainActivity, and ClassB that is a dependency of Class A. So as long as MainActivity is annotated with @AndroidEntryPoint you can Inject ClassA into MainActivity and ClassB into ClassA.

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

    lateinit var classA: ClassA

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {


class ClassA @Inject constructor(){
    lateinit var classB: ClassB

    fun test() = classB.test()

class ClassB @Inject constructor(){
    fun test() = println("Hello World")


Output : Hello World

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