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How can I make my discord.py bot mentions someone mentioned in my message?

所以我知道有一个关于堆栈溢出的类似问题,但它是针对 discord.js 的,我使用的是 discord.py 所以有人可以告诉我(这也是我关于堆栈溢出的第一个问题)

(This is my first reply aswell!)

so lets say

import discord
from discord.ext import commands #or command I can't remember)

#setup setting(on_ready.. etc)

@client.command(ctx, target:discord.Member == None) #CTX represents your command, target means your mentioned member

if target == None:
    await ctx.send("You didn't mention anyone!")
    await ctx.send(target.mention)

#client run token

Okay so the above one is almost correct. The solution is:

async def something(ctx, target:discord.Member = None):
    if target == None:
        await ctx.send("You didn't mention anyone!")
        await ctx.send(target.mention)
#whatever other code

so it's target:discord.Member = None instead of target:discord.Member == None and that async def thingy ofcourse :)

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