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Is there a way to execute functions in a compiled golang binary from another binary without needing any special setup?

I have a RPC type of setup where one binary (binaryA) is requesting work to be done from another binary (binaryB). They're both compiled the same way and are on the same system. I can't shell out to binaryA because the task involved involves a lot of data which would take too long to serialize and I can't use a golang plugin because the I want to be able to call functions without needing to create a special binary.

This is roughly the setup I'm trying to achieve:

binaryA compiled with go build mainA.go . Somewhere in that binary, this file is compiled:

package demo
import "fmt"

func TestFn(){
    func(){ someFn() }()

I want to be able to call TestFn() and that anonymous function with binaryB.

Here's what I have so far.

import (

func main() {
    filename := "binaryA"
    f, _ := os.Open(filename)
    defer f.Close()

    mf, _ := macho.NewFile(f)

    sym2Addr := make(map[string]uintptr)
    for _, sym := range mf.Symtab.Syms {
        if int(sym.Sect-1) >= len(mf.Sections) || 
           mf.Sections[sym.Sect-1].Seg != "__TEXT" { continue }
        value := uintptr(sym.Value)
        sym2Addr[sym.Name] = value

    funcType := reflect.TypeOf(func() {})
    if testFnPtr, ok := sym2Addr["main.TestFn"]; ok {
        TestFn := reflect.New(funcType).Elem()
        p := new(uintptr)
        *p = testFnPtr
        *(*unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(TestFn.Addr().Pointer())) = unsafe.Pointer(p)

Using the code above I'm able to find the symbol main.TestFn but it ultimately fails with:

unexpected fault address 0x210d0fb1
fatal error: fault
[signal SIGBUS: bus error code=0x2 addr=0x210d0fb1 pc=0x210d0fb1]

goroutine 1 [running]:
exit status 2

EDIT: I can recompile binaryA with any build flags I want.

Is there a way to execute functions in a compiled golang binary from another binary without needing any special setup?

No, that simply is not how compiled (to machine code) programs work (in any language).

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