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Limit numbers of labels on Chart.js in "smaller display only"

Limit labels number on Chart.js line chart

I want to reduce the number of label of my line chart "Only" when displaying on the small device. From the post above, the solution is like this;

xAxes: [{
    type: 'time',
    ticks: {
        autoSkip: true,
        maxTicksLimit: 12

This is a good solution, but I want to keep all my 24 labels when showing on desktop (lg) . I want to hide half of the labels when displaying on phone only (xs) .

This is how my chart on desktop and phone now. 在此处输入图片说明


Here is one solution where we check if the the window size is less than 600px and return 12 else the tick limit is 24

    xAxes: [{
            type: 'time',
            ticks: {
                autoSkip: true,
                maxTicksLimit: getTickLimit()
    function getTickLimit(){
        return window.innerWidth<600? 12:24

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