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R reading csv file with read.csv

With this script:

# I) Go to the working directory

# II) Verify the current working directory

# III) Load te nedded package

# IV) Read the desired file
read.csv(file="serious-injury-outcome-indicators-2000-18-csv.csv", header=TRUE, sep=",")

I tried to read this file: Serious injury outcome indicators: 2000–18 – CSV

But the output in the consol is not well, Can someone try it and tell me if he encoutred the same problem. Thanks

You can read the file directly from the website:

dta <- url("https://www.stats.govt.nz/assets/Uploads/Serious-injury-outcome-indicators/Serious-injury-outcome-indicators-200018/Download-data/serious-injury-outcome-indicators-2000-18-csv.csv")
injury <- read.csv(dta, header=TRUE)
# 'data.frame': 2460 obs. of  13 variables:
#  $ Series_reference: chr  "W_A11" "W_A11" "W_A11" "W_A11" ...
#  $ Period          : chr  "2000-02" "2001-03" "2002-04" "2003-05" ...
#  $ Type            : chr  "Moving average" "Moving average" "Moving average" "Moving average" ...
#  $ Data_value      : num  59.7 60 59 59 61.3 ...
#  $ Lower_CI        : num  50.9 51.2 50.3 50.3 52.5 ...
#  $ Upper_CI        : num  68.4 68.8 67.7 67.7 70.2 ...
#  $ Units           : chr  "Injuries" "Injuries" "Injuries" "Injuries" ...
#  $ Indicator       : chr  "Number" "Number" "Number" "Number" ...
#  $ Cause           : chr  "Assault" "Assault" "Assault" "Assault" ...
#  $ Validation      : chr  "Validated" "Validated" "Validated" "Validated" ...
#  $ Population      : chr  "Whole pop" "Whole pop" "Whole pop" "Whole pop" ...
#  $ Age             : chr  "All ages" "All ages" "All ages" "All ages" ...
#  $ Severity        : chr  "Fatal" "Fatal" "Fatal" "Fatal" ...

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