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Sort aggregated column in multiindex dataframe within groups

Taking inspiration from the data here we have the following Series/Dataframe

df = data.groupby(["Manufacturer","Product Name","Product Launch Data"]).sum("total")

Manufacturer Product Name Product Launch Date       
Apple        iPad         2010-04-03              30
             iPod         2001-10-23              34
Samsung      Galaxy       2009-04-27              24
             Galaxy Tab   2010-09-02              22

How do we sort after total while still keeping the groups ie ending up with:

Manufacturer Product Name Product Launch Date       
Apple        iPad         2010-04-03              30
             iPod         2001-10-23              34
Samsung      Galaxy Tab   2010-09-02              22
             Galaxy       2009-04-27              24

In last pandas versions is possible sorting by levels and columns names together, so here working:

df = df.sort_values(['Manufacturer','total'])
print (df)
Manufacturer Product Name Product Launch Date       
Apple        iPad         2010-04-03              30
             iPod         2001-10-23              34
Samsung      Galaxy Tab   2010-09-02              22
             Galaxy       2009-04-27              24

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