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Nuxt Middleware with Firebase and FirebaseUI: Error: Redirected when going from "/anything" to "/login" via a navigation guard

Nuxt SSR app using FirebaseUI to handle auth flows. Logging in and out works perfectly. When I add Middleware to check auth state and redirect if not logged in I get this error:

Error: Redirected when going from "/list-cheatsheets" to "/login" via a navigation guard.


export default function ({ store, redirect }) {
    // If the user is not authenticated
    if (!store.state.user) {
      return redirect('/login')

There is absolutely no other redirecting that I can find in the app....

I have been digging and trying things for hours. Others who get this error that I have found aren't using Nuxt and none of those solutions work.

As there is a bounty one cannot mark it duplicate thus following up is a copy of my answer at Redirecting twice in a single Vue navigation

tldr: vm.$router.push(route) is a promise and needs to .catch(e=>gotCaught(e)) errors.

This will be changed in the next major @4

Currently@3 errors are not distinguished whether they are NavigationFailures or regular Errors .

The naive expected route after vm.$router.push(to) should be to . Thus one can expect some failure message once there was a redirect. Before patching router.push to be a promise the error was ignored silently . The current solution is to antipattern a .catch(...) onto every push, or to anticipate the change in design and wrap it to expose the failure as result.

Future plans have it to put those informations into the result:

  let failure = await this.$router.push(to);
  if(failure.type == NavigationFailureType[type]){}

Imo this error is just by design and should be handled:

hook(route, current, (to: any) => { ... abort(createNavigationRedirectedError(current, route)) ...}

So basically if to contains a redirect it is an error, which kinda is equal to using vm.$router.push into a guard.

To ignore the unhandled error behaviour one can pass an empty onComplete (breaks in future releases):

vm.$router.push(Route, ()=>{})

or wrap it in try .. catch

try {

  await this.$router.push("/")
} catch {


which prevents the promise to throw uncaught .

to support this without redirecting twice means you put the guard to your exit:

let path = "/"
navguard({path}, undefined, (to)=>this.$router.push(to||path))

which will polute every component redirecting to home

btw the router-link component uses an empty onComplete

Assumption that redirecting twice is not allowed is wrong.

Nuxt SSR app using FirebaseUI to handle auth flows. Logging in and out works perfectly. When I add Middleware to check auth state and redirect if not logged in I get this error:

Error: Redirected when going from "/list-cheatsheets" to "/login" via a navigation guard.


export default function ({ store, redirect }) {
    // If the user is not authenticated
    if (!store.state.user) {
      return redirect('/login')

There is absolutely no other redirecting that I can find in the app....

I have been digging and trying things for hours. Others who get this error that I have found aren't using Nuxt and none of those solutions work.

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