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How to copy javascript variable text to clipboard?

I'm using CefSharp to build a web browser and I'm integrating some javascript on button click, etc.

I am trying to get the element by class name and then save its text to the clipboard.

It successfully finds an element and the text, but I can't set it to the clipboard no matter what.

Here is the code

private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        CurBrowser.GetMainFrame().ExecuteJavaScriptAsync("var elems1 = document.getElementsByClassName('question-text')");
        CurBrowser.GetMainFrame().ExecuteJavaScriptAsync("textt = elems1[elems1.length - 1].innerText");

It says that the document is not focused, but I tried to focus it using




it returns "textt.focus(); is not a function" or "elems1.focus(): is not a function"

Try running everything in on

CurBrowser.GetMainFrame().ExecuteJavaScriptAsync("const element = document.createElement('textarea'); element.value = document.getElementsByClassName('question-text')[0].innerText; document.body.appendChild(element); element.select(); document.execCommand('copy'); document.body.removeChild(element);");

If it still doesn't say its in focus, try adding the focus within that too.

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