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why is the images not showing in my html?

my code is supposed to show a picture depending on witch pic it lands on in the random function.

this is my html

    <h2>Joureur 0:</h2>

    <div id="MainJoueur0"></div>         

then in my .ts i did this

afficherCarteJoueurZero() {

        document.getElementById('MainJoueur0').innerHTML = '<div></div>';

        for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) {

            let img = new Image(90, 130);
            img.src = "assets/images/" + this.sorte + "_" + this.valeur + ".gif";



img.src = "assets/images/" + this.sorte + "_" + this.valeur + ".gif";

this.sorte 和 this.valeur 是数组,你不应该从中选择一个索引吗?

The sorte and valeur is array , you need get string by index as

 for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) { let img = new Image(90, 130); img.src = "assets/images/" + this.sorte[i] + "_" + this.valeur[i] + ".gif"; document.getElementById('MainJoueur0').appendChild(img); }

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