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Merge case class in a sequence

I am trying to merge case class in a sequences. ie I have the following case class:

case class Output(a: String , b: String, c: String, d: Int)

val outputSeq = Seq(

I would like to achieve the following output:

  Map(serviceA -> List(Output(serviceA, targetA, 8080, 0), Output(serviceA, targetA, 8080, 1))

following gives me the map but I am stuck how to get rid of duplicates. I know I need to further filter using map but I am a noob in scala FP.


Since mapValues() has been deprecated (as of Scala 2.13.0) it's recommended that we use the long form.

         .map{case (k,vs) => k -> vs.distinct}

Silly me. I could do.


I am loving scala. :)

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