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#VALUE Error in Evaluate Function of Excel VBA

I am trying to find out what is wrong with the process below. In my sheet, there is a formula string which needs evaluation for different values of variable, x .


I have a vba code which looks like this:

Public Function ev(r As Range, x As Double) As Variant
    ev = Application.Evaluate(Replace(r.Value, "x", x))
End Function

What's weird is that this function only works if the cell input is like


but not


or even


Why is this happening? I need the program to calculate using small increments of up to 0.0000000001 . Thank you for your insights.

There is a 255 character limit to a String passed to Application.Evaluate . You're running into that hard limit after Replace ing x with the corresponding numeric value.

Your options include:

  • Breaking up the formula into pieces and Evaluate ing it in several steps.
  • Rewriting the formula to something shorter as mentioned in the comments (though you may still surpass the 255 limit based on length of the proposed arguments).
  • Using an approach like this and writing the revised formula to a cell, then reading back the calculated value.

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