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Xamarin.Forms change Default FontFamily in all App

I added custom font:

[assembly: ExportFont("Roboto-Regular.ttf", Alias ="Roboto")]

Also in App.xaml :

        <Style TargetType="Label">
            <Setter Property="FontFamily" Value="Roboto"/>

And also can add for Entry and etc... But it is possible with one line of code change the Default Font Family which is initialized when u create the project? If is possible how?

You would need to create your controls for label,entry,picker,etc. with the default font family. I've created labelcontrol one for you

public class MyFontLabel : Label
    public MyFontLabel()
       Style = Application.Current.Resources["FontLabelStyle"] as Style;

style in app.xaml

<Style x:Key="FontLabelStyle" TargetType="Label">
  <Setter Property="FontFamily" Value="Roboto"/>

Use it throughout

<local:MyFontLabel Text="My Text"/>

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