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Jenkins fetch map value on condition and pass to shared library as parameter

I've a script like as below for jenkins shared library and I would like to get users's slackID according to the user's email adress for passing this ID as parameter to the function.

How can I fetch the slackID according to the email address and then pass this value as parameter? What is the best way to do this?

Here is the shared-library script.

users = [
    bennytheball: [
        git: 'benny.ball@alley.way',
        slack: '12345ABCD'
    choochoo: [
        git: 'choo.choo@alley.way',
        slack: 'ABCD12345'
    topcat: [
        git: 'top.cat@alley.way',
        slack: 'U9X76IJYA'

String email = sh(script: 'git show -s --pretty=%ae', returnStdout: true).trim()
def sendBuildStatusOverSlack(String authorSlackID = null) {

Project Jenkinsfile


You can get the according slack id like this

users.findAll { _, contact -> contact.git == email }
     .collect { _, contact -> contact.slack } 

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