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How do I see git added files?

Sometimes I run git add . and big files that weren't supposed to get added are added. How can I see which files were added without commiting? And how to 'un-add' those files or all files at once so I can fix the .gitignore ?

(Disclaimer : none of the commands below modifies your changes in files , all this is about what's staged or not)
How to...

...display the full list of what's staged at this point. ( doc for diff --staged )
git diff --staged --name-only

..."un-add" (unstage) one file
git reset -- path/to/file

...or similarly, unstage a directory with everything in it
git reset -- path/to/dir/

...unstage everything ( example in the doc )
git reset

Finally, about fixing your .gitignore , take a look at git check-ignore -v <path> to know specifically which .gitignore file ignores your path.

How to check which files staged

git status -s

Files with a green M letter prefix indicate that they have been cached, And red means it is still in the workspace, not cached.

And how to 'un-add' those files

Use git rm your-file . For details, see the documentation of git or try git rm --help

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