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ngx-pagination angular 8 Observables next page not populating on FE

I have a problem with Observables used in this implementation. I am new to Observables. I am implementing ngx-pagination on existing component with list of users. Problem is that next page is not populating results (only page 1 has 10 first results) but API call is being made and I can see the results in Network tab. I think it's something with Observables. Any help will be highly appreciated.


  pageSize: any;
  pageNumber = 1;
  count = 0;

 ngOnInit() {
    this.users$ = this.userapiService.getUsers(this.pageNumber);

  handlePageChange(event) {
    this.pageNumber = event;
    this.users$ = this.userapiService.getUsers(this.pageNumber);


      <tr *ngFor="let user of users$.getValue() | paginate: { itemsPerPage: pageSize, currentPage: pageNumber }">


 getUsers(pageNumber: number): Observable<User[]> {

        let params = new HttpParams();

        params = params.append('id', id).append('pageNumber', (pageNumber - 1).toString())
            .append('pageSize', constants.pageSize);

        this.httpService.httpGet(this.Endpoint, params)
                (response: User[]) => {
                        .filter(user =>  user

        return this.users$;

As the author of RxJS 5 says, using getValue() in observable chains is a sign of you're doing something wrong .

In this scenario, users$ is an observable . To get the fresh values of the observable, we need to subscribe and listen. We do this with the async pipe in Angular's HTML side as follows:

<tr *ngFor="let user of (users$ | async) | paginate: { itemsPerPage: pageSize, currentPage: pageNumber }">

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