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Event listeners are not working but there is no error

I have an event listener listening to the submission of form which will be sent to firebase auth. A few hours ago, it was working fine. But suddenly, it just stopped. No error nothing. No event listeners were working. I restarted vs code and my computer. Where event listeners were defined -

import { smoothScroll } from './animations.js';
import { signup, logout } from './auth.js';


// Elements
const signupForm = document.querySelector('#signup-form');
const logoutBtn = document.querySelector('#logout-btn');


signupForm.addEventListener('submit', signup);
logoutBtn.addEventListener('click', logout);

Actual functions -

export function signup(e) {


    // User info
    const email = signupForm['email'].value;
    const password = signupForm['password'].value;

    // Sign up
        .createUserWithEmailAndPassword(email, password)
        .then((cred) => {

            document.querySelector('.alert').textContent = 'User signed up';

            loginState = true;

        .catch((error) => {

            document.querySelector('.alert').textContent = error.message;

export function logout(e) {

Through a bit of debugging I found out that my functions were not getting called. This is the github repo https://github.com/akashshyamdev/doubt1 in case you need more info. Thanks in advance.

Since the signup form is present, when you add the event listener, but the event callback function is not called, I assume you changed the form after the event listener addition.

For this you must delegate the event to an element that is always there, typically the document . As the MDN doc says about the submit_event that it bubbles up, we can do this

Instead of signupForm.addEventListener('submit', signup);

do this

document.addEventListener('submit', function(e) {
  if (e.target.closest('#signup-form')) {
    return signup(e);
  return false;

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