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How to conditionally change screenOptions for different react native screens in the same Navigator?

I have a Navigator with 2 screens. In one of them I want to show the headerRight component and in the other screen, I don't want to show the headerRight component.

My Navigation looks like this:

      <Stack.Navigator screenOptions={{ 
        headerShown: true, 
        headerRight: () => <Switch /> // conitionally change this
        <Stack.Screen name="Vocabulary" component={bottomNavigator} />
        <Stack.Screen name="Definition" component={Definition}  />
  • Do I render headerRight conditionally based on what screen is visible?
  • Do I have multiple navigators?
  • Do I configure it within the rendered compnent (ie Definition )?

Try this way

componentDidMount() {
      headerRight: <Switch />

If you want to specify an option for a particular screen and not for all screens, then specify it in the option of the desired screen instead of in screenOptions :

      headerShown: true
        // Show only for Vocabulary screen
        headerRight: () => <Switch />
    <Stack.Screen name="Definition" component={Definition} />

If you don't want an option to apply to all screens in a navigator, don't specify it in screenOptions which is applies to all screens. Multiple navigators for it seem overkill.

More details https://reactnavigation.org/docs/screen-options

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