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Redux Toolkit: state showing as Proxy / undefined within reducer

Solved it, thanks! - For anyone interested, I was trying to access state.tasks.data within the reducer however due to scope, I could access it via state.data as I was already within the tasks slice.

Edit: My issue with mutated state error is now fixed, it was due to sorting the state directly without creating a new array from it. That has been fixed with concat() before sort() .

My new issue is that state within my removeTask reducer is no longer accessible. It's now returning undefined. If I console.log(state) then it will return a Proxy with:

[[Handler]]: null,
[[Target]]: null,

Edit 2: I've found that the Proxy is due to immer under the hood which does something with the mutation to use it in a way that the state is not mutated. I've still yet to fix the issue of state.tasks.data returning undefined .

I'm using react-redux and redux-toolkit. I am just learning Redux so my head is fried, haven't a clue.

I've followed some information from the redux-toolkit basic tutorial on their website which says that you can mutate state in the reducers because toolkit does something behind the scenes to stop it actually mutating the state:


In any case, the counter example they provide mutates the state. The increment reducer returns state += 1 - this works fine

Now I've got my own thing going where I have the initial state set to an array of objects I've pulled in. See below:

tasksSlice.js :

import { createSlice } from "@reduxjs/toolkit";
import data from "data/tasks_data.json";

export const tasksSlice = createSlice({
  name: "tasks",
  initialState: {
    data: data,
  reducers: {
    removeTask: (state, action) => {
      const { id } = action.payload;
      const { data } = state.tasks;
      data = data.filter((item) => id !== item.id);

export const { removeTask } = tasksSlice.actions;

export const selectTasks = (state) => state.tasks.data;

export default tasksSlice.reducer;

Now I've got the tasks listed out in my tasks component. Each task is listed using a taskItem component. Inside the taskItem component I have a delete button which I have set the onClick event to use the removeTask reducer.

  className={`${styles.task_button} ${styles.delete}`}
  onClick={() => dispatch(removeTask(id))}
  <MdDeleteForever />

This is passing the "customer_id" field from the data that's mapped out into the task list from initial state .

I want to be able to delete the task so I'm trying to mutate it (as toolkit said I can) by filtering the state.tasks.data and returning everything apart from the task where the id is a match.

Unfortunately I keep getting an error message:

Error: Invariant failed: A state mutation was detected between dispatches, in the path 'tasks.data.0'. This may cause incorrect behavior.

tasks.js - Tasks container component (quite messy):

import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import SectionHeading from "components/SectionHeading/SectionHeading";
import { useSelector } from "react-redux";
import { selectTasks } from "redux/tasks/tasksSlice";
import TaskSelect from "./TaskSelect";
import TaskTabs from "./TaskTabs";
import TaskItem from "./TaskItem";
import styles from "./Tasks.module.scss";
// import tasks_data from "data/tasks_data.json";

const Tasks = () => {
  const tasksData = useSelector(selectTasks);
  const [taskTab, setTaskTab] = useState({ activeTask: "All" });
  const [size, setSize] = useState({ width: 65, left: 0 });
  // const [tasksData, setTasksData] = useState(tasks_data);

  const taskTypes = [
    "SSL Setup",
    "SEO Setup",

  useEffect(() => {
    const activeBar = document.querySelector(".active_bar");
    const active = document.querySelector(".active_btn");
    if (size) {
      activeBar.style.width = `${active.offsetWidth}px`;
      activeBar.style.transform = `translate(${active.offsetLeft}px, ${active.offsetTop}px)`;

  const setActive = (e, type) => {
    setTaskTab({ activeTask: type });
    const activeBar = document.querySelector(".active_bar");
    activeBar.style.width = `${e.target.offsetWidth}px`;
    activeBar.style.transform = `translate(${e.target.offsetLeft}px, ${e.target.offsetTop}px)`;

  const changeActive = (e) => {
    setTaskTab({ activeTask: e.target.value });

  const getDaysDue = (days) => {
    const { days_due, overdue } = days;
    if (overdue === true) {
      if (days_due === -1) {
        return `${Math.abs(days_due)} day overdue`;
      } else {
        return `${Math.abs(days_due)} days overdue`;
    } else if (days_due === 0) {
      return "Today";
    } else if (days_due === 1) {
      return `${days_due} day`;
    } else if (days_due > 1) {
      return `${days_due} days`;
    } else {
      return "Error getting days due";
  return (
    <article className="tasks">
      <TaskSelect taskTypes={taskTypes} change={changeActive} />
      <SectionHeading>Tasks: {taskTab.activeTask}</SectionHeading>
      <section className={styles.tasks_list}>
          .sort((a, b) => a.days.days_due - b.days.days_due)
          .filter((task) =>
            taskTab.activeTask === "All"
              ? true
              : task.type === taskTab.activeTask
              days: { days_due, overdue },
            }) => {
              return (

export default Tasks;

TaskItem.js :

import React from "react";
import { useDispatch } from "react-redux";
import { removeTask } from "redux/tasks/tasksSlice";
import { Link } from "react-router-dom";
import { MdModeEdit, MdDeleteForever } from "react-icons/md";
import styles from "./TaskItem.module.scss";

const TaskItem = ({ id, name, days, daysDue, overdue, type }) => {
  const dispatch = useDispatch();
  return (
    ${daysDue === 0 ? `${styles.today}` : ""} 
    ${overdue === true ? `${styles.overdue}` : ""}
      <Link to="/" className={styles.task_name}>

        className={`${styles.task_days} ${
          daysDue === 0 ? `${styles.task_days__today}` : ""
        } ${overdue ? `${styles.task_days__overdue}` : ""}`}
        <strong>{type}</strong>: {days}

      <div className={styles.task_buttons}>
        <button className={`${styles.task_button} ${styles.edit}`}>
          <MdModeEdit />

          className={`${styles.task_button} ${styles.delete}`}
          onClick={() => dispatch(removeTask(id))}
          <MdDeleteForever />
export default TaskItem;

tasks_data.json :

    "account_name": "Misty's Gym",
    "customer_id": 1,
    "days": {
      "days_due": 1,
      "overdue": false
    "type": "Quotes"
    "account_name": "Brock's Diner",
    "customer_id": 2,
    "days": {
      "days_due": 0,
      "overdue": false
    "type": "Quotes"
    "account_name": "Samurai Champloo's Fish Bar",
    "customer_id": 3,
    "days": {
      "days_due": 5,
      "overdue": false
    "type": "SSL Setup"
    "account_name": "Tiny Rebel",
    "customer_id": 4,
    "days": {
      "days_due": -7,
      "overdue": true
    "type": "Domains"
    "account_name": "Matalan",
    "customer_id": 5,
    "days": {
      "days_due": 13,
      "overdue": false
    "type": "Other"
    "account_name": "Lowes Soft Drinks",
    "customer_id": 6,
    "days": {
      "days_due": 1,
      "overdue": false
    "type": "SEO Setup"
    "account_name": "Snack 'n' Go",
    "customer_id": 7,
    "days": {
      "days_due": -2,
      "overdue": true
    "type": "Quotes"
    "account_name": "Jeronemo",
    "customer_id": 8,
    "days": {
      "days_due": 5,
      "overdue": false
    "type": "Quotes"
    "account_name": "Tom's Mouse Traps",
    "customer_id": 9,
    "days": {
      "days_due": 0,
      "overdue": false
    "type": "Domains"
    "account_name": "Contiente",
    "customer_id": 10,
    "days": {
      "days_due": 2,
      "overdue": false
    "type": "Domains"
    "account_name": "Um Bongo",
    "customer_id": 11,
    "days": {
      "days_due": -1,
      "overdue": true
    "type": "SEO Setup"

What on earth am I doing wrong? How else can I set the state?


tasksData.sort (in your Tasks component) modifies the original tasksData array from the store, as sort does that. Make a new array out of it beforehand, eg by tasksData.concat().sort(...

also please reminde inside a reducer action, the state prints as a Proxy object, in redux toolkit. but there is function base on redux-toolkit dosc current that you can use to print your state inside reducer action like this eg

import {createSlice,current } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'

const todoSlice = createSlice({
    name: 'todo',
    reducers: {
        deleteTodo(state,action) {
           let f= state.tasks.splice(action.payload,1)

Do it like this:

removeTask: (state, action) => {
      const { id } = action.payload;
      const { data } = state.tasks;
      const index = data.findIndex((item) => id === item.id);
      data.splice(index, 1)

The following code worked for me:

import {current } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'


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