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Prawn set cell color under a condition while making a table

I'm trying to generate a table while changing the background color of a cell under a condition. I've resorted coming to here for help. Here's an example of what I'm trying to do:

        idx = 0 

        pdf.table(myTable) do
            style(row(0), :background_color => 'ff00ff')
            while idx <= totalRows
                if cells[idx,3] == "No go"
                    style(cells[idx,3], :background_color => 'fF0000')
                    style(cells[idx,3], :background_color => '00FF22')
            idx += 1 

Call #style correctly

In version 0.2.2 of prawn-table, the #style method is defined on a cell, or an array of cells, so you need to get that first. The argument is merely a hash of the keys and values for the styles you want. For example, row(0) is an array of cells, so you can style it with a magenta background like this:

  pdf.table(myTable) do        
    row(0).style(:background_color => 'ff00ff')


You can refer to the full source code of #style at


I am not sure what you want the line style(column(0)) to do, so I can't advise on that.

Condition when "No go"

It looks like you want the while loop to apply a condition to the fourth column, so that cells whose content is 'No go' are red, while the rest are green.

For this, you can use the iterator built-in to the #style method, instead of your while loop. It could look like this:

    column(3).style do |cell|
       if cell.content == "No go"
         cell.style(:background_color => 'ff0000')
         cell.style(:background_color => '00ff22')

column(3) 的样式基于条件

If you wanted something slightly different you should know enough now to vary the code.

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