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Microsoft graph api search doesn't return all files

I have a folder hierarchy in OneDrive containing around 1000 files spread out under those folders. All files are .mp4 files. When I do a search using the graph api and specify q='.mp4' it returns only 500 files (paged with 200 in each page). I have tried using $top=1000 but then I get one page only with 500 files.

Is there a limit of 500 for the search?

I had the same issue during a customers project, where I requested the users group membership using Microsoft Graph.

For me, the solution was to use the $top parameter as you already mentioned.

GET https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/memberOf/?$top=999

I am not aware if there is any kind of limitation or difference as soon as you use the OneDrive Graph endpoint.

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