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call another actionresult from controller with multiple parameters netcore mvc

I have a method (MethodA) in my controller that needs to return another ActionResult (methodB) in that same controller, with some parameters as payload. For this I use a RedirectToAction(nameof(methodB), new { param1=param1, param2=param2 } ) at the end of MethodA.

When I debug, all the parameters are loaded and contain the expected values. However when it arrives at methodB, the two parameters are empty.


public ActionResult Bulkimport(int id)
    int customerId = 5;
    ReturnModel returnMessage = new ReturnModel();
    returnMessage.Message= "All data loaded";
    returnMessage.returnModel = returnModel; //contains list with some data
    return RedirectToAction(nameof(Bulkimport), new { id = customerId, model = returnMessage });


public ActionResult Bulkimport(int id, MessageModel model)

    // Do stuff, but MessageModel and id are null.
    return View();

Does anyone have an idea what might be happening here? Additional: I have some experiences that additional parameters are presented in the receiving view as a querystring in the url in the browser. Is there any way to prevent it?



return RedirectToAction(nameof(Bulkimport), new { id = customerId, model = returnMessage });


return Bulkimport( customerId, returnMessage);


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