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drop down does not show value and text asp.net mvc

I have two tables States and Cities

with two dropdown list that when the state drop down selected the options should be available on Cities dropdown list but somehow Text and Value doesn't appear

State ViewBag and DropDown List

ViewBag.State = new SelectList(db.StateRepository.GetAll(), "StateId", "StateTitle");
@Html.DropDownList("States",(SelectList)ViewBag.State, "Please Select", htmlAttributes: new { @class = "form-control", id="State"})

City Drop down

<select class="form-control" id="City">    </select>

Json in Controller

  public ActionResult GetCities(int id)

            var data = db.Cities.Where(d => d.StateId == id).Select(d => new { Text = d.CityTitle, Value = d.CityId });
            return Json(data, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);


 $("#State").change(function() {
        var loading = $('<option></option>').text("Please Wait");
        $('#City').attr("disabled", "disabled").empty().append(loading);

        $.getJSON("/GetCities/" + $("#State > option:selected").attr("value"),
            function(result) {
                $("#City").removeAttr("disabled").empty().append($("<option></option)").val("").text("Please Select"));
                        function(item) {

By not showing the value and Text I mean like I have 4 Cities for 'x' State on my table, in the view when I change the StateDropDown to 'x' State it just shows 4 empty <option></option> in my City DropDown list without any text and value

Guys I really appreciate all your help I'm newbie and I have no idea what the problem is so please help.

EDIT: I think the results returned from the controller is returning an object like:

[{ "Text": "..", "Value": ".." }]

So you would want to bind:

$.each(result, function(item) {

The Value and Text should be upper-cased.

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