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NavLink exact prop not working for react-router-dom 6

I am currently using

    "react-router": "^6.0.0-beta.0",
    "react-router-dom": "^6.0.0-beta.0",

The problem with NavLink of react-router-dom that i am facing now is that the root path "/" is always active, other paths are of no problem and they are being active and inactive during toggle, its just the root path that is giving me trouble, i have searched and tried many solutions. but nothing worked. Use "exact" and "exact={true}" both, but no success.

Used this:

          <span className="menu-title">Home</span>

and Also this:

          <span className="menu-title">Home</span>

I have been stuck in this situation for past two days, and still no success in finding any solution. Any help will be appreciated, thanks

Edit: My routes

                    element={<OrderDetails />}
                    element={<Orders />}
                    element={<Home />}


Exact param will no longer working on NavLink component. In version 6 Beta they have included a new param called: end

With this simply approach you just need to pass end param for your NavLink component and exact to you Route

<NavLink end to="/">
      Go to Home

When you write end="another-class-active" you can change your active className which is active by default.

As @Greg Wozniak mentioned end is a boolean so you can't change active class name with this, instead of this you can pass a function to className:

className={({ isActive }) =>
    isActive ? 'activeClassName' : undefined

For more information read this: https://reactrouter.com/docs/en/v6/api#navlink

Working example: https://codesandbox.io/s/vigorous-thompson-e7k8eb

Note that this is still version Beta so we need to wait for some fixes and official releases

In 6.0.2 you can pass a function to className and that function gets a set of props. One of those props is "isActive". Here is how I solved it for the OP code:

    className={(props) => {
      return `${props.isActive ? 'isActive ' : ''}iconContainer`;
    <span className="menu-title">Home</span>

Also note that the class "active" is automatically set by the NavLink.

Also note the use of end: "If the end prop is used, it will ensure this component isn't matched as "active" when its descendant paths are matched. For example, to render a link that is only active at the website root and not any other URLs"

However this how I did it, you don't have to use exact in the case of NavLink as said by the official docs, LINK TO THE DOCS

   <NavLink to="/service" className='turner'>

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