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PrimeNG - How to change the style of pTemplate="caption" in p-table for a single component

I'd like to change the background color of the caption cell of my p-table in only one component, how can I do?

I tried <ng-template pTemplate="caption" class="myStyle">

and .myStyle{ background: rgb(9,169,121) !important; } .myStyle{ background: rgb(9,169,121) !important; } in my.component.scss

but it doesn't work.

Help me! Thanks!

Edit: Finally it works! I see the answer of @Antikhippe, but I had to add

:host ::ng-deep { #myTable {
.p-datatable-thead{ background: red;
} .p-datatable .p-datatable-thead > tr > th { background: inherit; } } }

pTemplate="caption" will only fit part of your table header, you have to work on p-datatable-header class:

Try this:

:host ::ng-deep {
  #myTable {
    .p-datatable-header {
      background-color: red;

I surrounded p-datatable-header class with #myTable to apply this CSS only for a table with myTable id:

<p-table id="myTable" [value]="products">

See StackBlitz

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