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Selenium Webdriver can't find table elements

I'm new with selenium, I can not figure out how to find some elements from an HTML page. I reproduced the page here :


I need to click on this button : Selection and after the table appears, to read and write their values :


I'm using c# and I tried all possible way, I also tried to list all the elements with the Id : "targetDemandReductionMW"

IList IWebElement> all = driver2.FindElements(By.Id("targetDemandReductionMW"));

I get a list of 52 void elements.

Here some other code , it doesn't generate any error but didn't work:

 IWebElement element_xpath = driver2.FindElement(By.ClassName("tab_buttonSel"));
        IWebElement table = driver2.FindElement(By.Id("drr1OfferAM"));
          var rows = table.FindElements(By.TagName("tr"));

        int conteggio = 0;
            foreach (var row in rows)
                var rowTds = row.FindElements(By.TagName("td"));
                foreach (var td in rowTds)
                    IWebElement a = td.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='targetDemandReductionMW']"));
                Console.WriteLine(conteggio++.ToString()+" "+a.GetAttribute("href")+" "+ a.Text);


Any help? Thanks

For the button you need to click, you can use:

//div[@id='tabContainer']/div[2]/following::tr/td[text()='DRR1 Offer']

For the xpath for the table records you can use:


This returns the 13 rows that you are looking for. You can then do FindElements on this and get a list.

           List<String> search = new List<string>();
        IReadOnlyList<IWebElement> cells = driver.FindElements(By.Xpath("//table[@id='drr1OfferPMHead']//td[@id='targetDemandReductionMW']"));
        foreach (IWebElement cell in cells)

The cell (in the html) has cellclick event , but if i try with :

  foreach (IWebElement cell in cells)
            if (cell.Text=="300.0")


it come out this error : "OpenQA.Selenium.ElementNotInteractableException: 'element not interactable"

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