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How to execute slickNext method in react-slick carousel?

I have the following React app with a Slick carousel. I created a custom Next button and need to execute the slickNext() method to proceed to the next slide. The Slick carousel docs and some of the answers for questions have mentioned the following way to call slickNext() method.

The problem is I'm getting the error slider.slick is not a function .

This is what I have tried so far

gotoNext = () => {
    var slider = document.getElementsByClassName("sliderMain")[0];
    console.log("set", slider)

const SampleNextArrow = (props) => {
        const { className, style } = props;
        return (

    const settings = {
        dots: true,
        infinite: false,
        speed: 500,
        slidesToShow: 1,
        slidesToScroll: 1,
        swipe: false,
        nextArrow: <SampleNextArrow className="customSlickNext" />,

    >{ /* slider goes here */}

How can I solve this?

With react-slick, you can add a ref prop on <Slider> . If you're using hooks, you can do that with useRef() :

import React, { useRef } from 'react';


const sliderRef = useRef();


You can then use sliderRef to call Slick methods in your function:

gotoNext = () => {

The available methods for react-slick can be found at: https://react-slick.neostack.com/docs/api/#methods

I have solution when we have slider in one component and custom methods slickNext() , slickPrev() in other component.

we can't send ref as prop. we should use forwardRef

in react-slick, you can use forwardRef() on <Slider> .

    import React, { useRef } from 'react';

    const Carousel = React.forwardRef((props, ref) => {



now you can access ref in parent component

import Carousel from "./carousel";

let sliderRef = React.useRef();

<a onClick={()=>sliderRef?.current?.slickNext()}>Next</a>
<a onClick={()=>sliderRef?.current?.slickPrev()}>Prev</a>
<Carousel ref={sliderRef}></Carousel>

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