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wso2 mutual ssl curl command APIM 3.2.0

I tried setup ALLINONE in my local, followed the documentation https://apim.docs.wso2.com/en/latest/learn/api-security/api-authentication/secure-apis-using-mutual-ssl/ it worked, but what will be the curl command for request because the document talks about testing only through postman

You can use the following curl commands when you want to use the header-based approach.

curl -X GET -H "X-WSO2-CLIENT-CERTIFICATE: (Base64 encoded public cert)" "https://localhost:8243/mock/v1" -v

curl -X GET -H "X-WSO2-CLIENT-CERTIFICATE: (Base64 encoded public cert)" "http://localhost:8280/mock/v1" -v

In order to work this, you need to add the following configuration to the deployment.toml in wso2am-3.2.0/repository/conf location.

enable_client_validation = false

You can use the following curl commands if you are using the cert and key.

curl -k --cert int.ext.wso2.com.crt --key int.ext.wso2.com.key -X GET "https://localhost:8243/mock/v1" -v

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