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R Plotly: 3D surface reverse x-axis

I am trying to setup the camera of a 3D surface plot such that the x axis goes from from left = 0 to right = 60, and the y axis from bottom = 0 to top = 80, while having the z axis on the left side.

There goes an example:


plot_ly(z = ~volcano) %>%
  add_surface() %>%
  layout(scene = list(camera=list()))

This is the default output:

This is what I want:

I tried to change the x , y , and z parameters from the eye() function without success. I also tried to use xasix = list(autoarante = "reversed") .

The eye vector determines the position of the camera, with a default of (x = 1.25, y = 1.25, z = 1.25).

To change the default to get the desired perspective, you can set the y in the camera eye to a negative value.


plot_ly(z = ~volcano) %>%
  add_surface() %>%
  layout(scene = list(camera=list(eye = list(x = .8, y = -2, z = 1.25))))



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