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Adjust font size in rms:::plot.anova.rms

I am using the rms package for logistic regression using the example titanic dataset, plot() on an anova object can produce a figure like the following


My question is how can I make the text in the plot smaller (column names, chisquare statistic, p-values), I checked the internal function rms:::plot.anova.rms and see no such arguments.

I don't have access to the titanic dataset, so here is a reproducible example using iris :


iris2 <- within(iris, Sepal.Length <- Sepal.Length > 5.5)
model <- Glm(DF2formula(iris2), data = iris2, family = binomial)


The function rms:::plot.anova.rms contains an ellipsis for passing arguments on to plot . Therefore, even though it is not a named argument, you can pass cex to control the text size:

plot(anova(model), cex = 0.7)


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