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StarUML show "in" in methods

i use StarUML for 2 weeks now. I can't find the option for showing "in" in the methods parameters. Is there any option?

I should look like this: -foo(in param1:String[0..3], in param2:int = 0): long

Thank you!

Well, not knowing StarUML but the UML 2.5 spec says on p. 108

<direction> ::= 'in' | 'out' | 'inout' (defaults to 'in' if omitted).

I downloaded StarUML (4.0.0) and the direction of a parameter is not shown in a class diagram when its direction is in , contrarily to the directions out and inout whose are shown.

Is there any option?

I didn't found an option to change that behavior and force to show the direction when it is in .

Example where the parameter p_in has he direction in , p_out the direction out , p_inout the direction inout and there is a parameter having the direction return , and I show the menu Format for the class :


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