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Change size (height) of ProgressView in SwiftUI

I created a ProgressView in SwiftUI (using Xcode) and edited a bit but haven't figured out how to change its height.

struct ProgressBar: View {
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            ProgressView("Progres:", value: 50, total: 100)
        .scaleEffect(1, anchor: .center)


There's no direct way that I know of to change the height, but you can use the .scaleEffect modifier. Make sure to specify 1 for the x scale in order to only increase the height.

struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {
        .padding([.leading, .trailing], 10)

struct ProgressBar: View {
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            ProgressView(value: 50, total: 100)
            .scaleEffect(x: 1, y: 4, anchor: .center)

Result: 具有较大高度的进度条

A drawback to this is that you can't pass in a Label, because it will also get stretched.

ProgressView("Progress:", value: 50, total: 100)


To work around this, just make your own Text above the ProgressView .

struct ProgressBar: View {
    var body: some View {
        VStack(alignment: .leading) {
            ProgressView(value: 50, total: 100)
            .scaleEffect(x: 1, y: 4, anchor: .center)


I needed something with a more rounded radius and without concealing the ProgressView inside another View so here's my take on it (extending @aheze 's answer by using the scale effect)

struct MyProgressViewStyle: ProgressViewStyle {
  var myColor: Color

  func makeBody(configuration: Configuration) -> some View {
          .frame(height: 8.0) // Manipulate height, y scale effect and corner radius to achieve your needed results
          .scaleEffect(x: 1, y: 2, anchor: .center)
          .clipShape(RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 6))
// Here's how to use it inside a View
ProgressView(value: currentProgress, total: totalProgress)
            .progressViewStyle(MyProgressViewStyle(myColor: Color.green))

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