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How to update subdocument mongoose with NodeJS

    { _id: req.params.idUser, "sendedEmail.emailId": req.params.idEmail},
        $set: {
            "sendedEmail.$.isSeen": true
    function(error) {
        if (error) {

var emailList = await Email.find()


it work fine with localhost, but in vps it doesn't change anything

sorry for my bad english

modify this line: var Email = mongoose.model('Email', emailSchema). Mongoose will make a collection called: 'emails'

 const mongoose = require('mongoose'); var emailSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ subscriberEmail: String, sendedEmail: Array, }, { versionKey: false } ) var Email = mongoose.model('Email', emailSchema); module.exports = Email;
Try this syntax with findById() method:

 updateEmail: (req, res) => { let Id = req.params.id; Email.findById(Id, (err, res) =>{ if(err) return res.status(500).send({message: 'Error to find'}); }); let update = req.body; Email.findByIdAndUpdate(Id, update, {new: true}, (err, EmailUpdated) => { if(err) return res.status(500).send({message: 'Error while updating'}); if(!EmailUpdated) return res.status(404).send({message: 'Email doesnt exist'}); return res.status(200).send({email: EmailUpdated}); }); },

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