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How to call a fake function in Angular 9 component unit test

I have an angular component containing two methods

class MyComponent {

    constructor() {

    loadDataSource() {
    runFilter() {
      //some other logic here

And I have a unit test

describe('running filters', () => {
      beforeEach(() => {
        const spy = jasmine.createSpyObj(['loadDataSource']);
        spy.loadDataSource.and.callFake(function() { });
      it('should call load data source', () => {

However, this seems to still call the actual implementation of loadDataSource when runFilter is called, instead of the empty fake function I provided.

How may I test that loadDataSource method was called when I call runFilter, without actually invoking the actual implementation? The reason for doing so is I do not want any of the logic for loadDataSource invoked.

Try this

 describe('running filters', () => {
          beforeEach(() => {
            spyOn(component, 'loadDataSource').and.callFake();
          it('should call load data source', () => {

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